Board of Directors
Elizabeth Taylor, PhD
Chair of the BoardClinical Professor Emerita, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta
Kimberly Woodhouse, PhD
Deputy Chair of the BoardInterim Vice-Principal (Research), Queen’s University
Michael Brennan, MA
Chief Administrative Officer, National Police FederationMichael Burns
Former President and Chief Executive Officer, The Princess Margaret Cancer FoundationHon. Myra Freeman, CM, ONS
Former Lieutenant Governor of Nova ScotiaCecile Malardier-Jugroot, PhD
Vice-Principal Research at the Royal Military College of CanadaWilliam Montelpare, PhD
Professor and Margaret and Wallace McCain Chair in Human Development and Health Applied Human Sciences, University of Prince Edward IslandJean-Guy Perron, CD, LLM
Part-Time Professor, Faculty of Law, University of OttawaVianne Timmons, OC, PhD
President and Vice-Chancellor, Memorial UniversityAdvisory Council
Major-General J.G.M. Bilodeau, CD, MD
Surgeon General, Canadian Forces Health Services GroupRick Christopher
ADM Strategic Policy and Commemoration, Veterans Affairs Canada(April 2020 – October 2021)